Saturday, December 26, 2009

What's This Listing Thing?

We're authors helping authors (and also readers!) find categories of books on amazon. We work on the honor system.

Authors, please only suggest three (3) of your amazon Listmania! Lists that will help people find your book among other titles.
Please vote for at least one list by the other authors.
Please come back and vote for those who come later.

To vote:
Log in to your amazon account
Click the tinyurl listed here (which should look blue if you haven't clicked it before, and grey if you have)

When you open the author’s amazon Listmania! List, look to the right-hand side of the screen where his/her picture and the list's stats appear in a small box. In that box will be the question "Rate it! Did you find this list helpful?" Click on the "yes" button.

Thank you for helping your fellow IWOFAuthors suggest books to readers!

(This works much the same way the Taggers blog/system works. Same concept, same helping spirit, easier/quicker to do if you already have lists.)

How to Make a Tiny URL

To make a tinyurl...

1. Go to your specific Listmania list’s page on Amazon
2. Copy the url
3. Go to
4. Paste the long url in the top box
5. Look down and to the right for a shorter box
6. Type in the title you want (but it must be at least 6 characters long)
7. Click go
8. Your new tiny url will now be on your clipboard. The next time you "paste" you will see your new url.

9. Come back here and post it in a comment
(This is much the same way the Taggers blog works so just follow that concept and you’re home free.)

Friday, December 25, 2009

Listmania! Lists to Vote on For Readers and Authors

Please be sure to vote "yes" that these IWOFAuthor lists are helpful, then leave your lists' titles and tinyurls in the comment field at the end. I'll cut and paste your info into the blog post the same way our IWOFA Taggers blog works. Thank you!

1. Author: Rowena Cherry
List 1 Title: List of SFR authors

List 2 Title: My Favorite Futuristic Romances

List 3 Title: Gifts: Put the Kiss in Your Xmas. Books Make Great Stocking Stuffers

2. Author: Sandy Lender
List 1 Title: Fantasy Books with Fabulous Heroines

List 2 Title: Newer Fantasy Novels of Note

3. Author: Various-Capuchin Soup Kitchen Fundraiser Authors
List Title: Short Story Authors Who Support Soup Kitchen Charity

4. Author: Margaret L. Carter
List Title: The Vampire as Alien

5. Author: Various-PIVTR Crazy Tuesday Show
List Title: Romance Authors who Write About Animals

6. Author: Cornelia Amiri
List 1 Title: Steampunk/Romances for kindle

List 2 Title: Books of Long Swords, Hot Heroes and Warrior Women

7. Author: Gloria Oliver
List 1 Title: YA Authors

8. Another Author Here...